Corporate and Business


Efficiency, team work, result

Over time LGV has acquired experience in commercial and corporate cases that are both important and complex. Today, the firm has an established team that is exclusively focused on these areas of activity. This is an area of legal practice that has become increasingly more significant for LGV.


The firm provides its clients with wide-ranging assistance, particularly in respect of innovation and technology companies. In this field, LGV deals with all operations concerning the incorporation of a company (including redaction of bylaws and shareholders agreement), and in particular the opening of Italian branches of multinational groups. LGV assists its clients in M&A transactions, and to that end carries out due diligence, prepares the necessary contractual arrangements, and provides advice in the closing and post-closing phases.

Additional activities include redaction of various types of commercial contracts, credit protection, security agreements, arrangement of security interests such as pledges, mortgages and privileges, legal opinions and, more generally, legal assistance in business development on both a national and international scale. In this field, LGV provides consultancy using the language of their corporate clients, whilst the team is devoted to cultivating a valuable relationship with the client and working towards the achievement of their business objectives.


In the corporate area, LGV provides assistance from the very first decision as to the choice of corporate model most appropriate for the case at hand.


The firm deals with the incorporation of limited liability companies and the establishment of representative offices and commercial branches of foreign companies in Italy. The firm also manages the redaction of deeds of incorporation and bylaws, arranges the necessary documentation for registration in the public registers, and provides assistance with drafts and checks of the minutes of company meetings, including those of the board of directors, and of delegation of functions from administrative offices. LGV assists in the redaction or examination of shareholders agreements and of agreements between companies and their members as well as between companies and their corporate offices. In addition to the incorporation stage, LGV has followed the alteration and transformation phases of the corporate entity. LGV professionals also manage the winding up and dissolution process of limited liability companies and partnerships. Special care is given to extraordinary operations on capital and the preparation of arrangements regulating the governance of the corporation.


LGV is highly specialized in the field of merging and acquisitions. The firm assists its Italian and international clients in transactions for the acquisition and assignment  of shares. The professionals at LGV have acquired a vast experience in activities involving the acquisition and sale of companies or branches thereof, as well as mergers and investment agreements (co-participation in associations, joint ventures). In this field LGV has experience of localizations in Italy, via acquisition of large multinational groups and internationalization of Italian groups via horizontal or vertical expansion of the business outside of Italy.


The firm is involved in all relevant phases and manages the redaction of documents as well as the direction of attendant activities. Thus, the work performed by LGV includes redaction of letters of indemnity, the production of check-lists, due diligence, preparation of NDAs and “non-circumvention” agreements, and the drafting of preliminary and definitive agreements (SPA). LGV assists its clients in all phases of negotiation of each agreement.

In this specific area, LGV professionals have acquired experience by providing advice to investment funds and large industrial groups operating in the fields of mechanics, luxury goods, beauty products, clothing attire, and energy, to name only a few.


Due to its intense focus on international matters, LGV has acquired and cemented a significant experience in consultancy on contractual matters, thus placing the firm in an ideal position for assisting and protecting corporations on their path to success.


The firm has over a decade long experience with important clients who it advises on the most diverse commercial issues. LGV believes that a contractual policy premised and modelled on the specific needs of the corporation, and which is updated to the latest legislative innovations and changes in the global market, is of vital importance for the achievement of commercial success in the competitive market. In this sector, too, legal consultancy is seen as a strategic partnership for the corporation and consequently requires high qualifications. Here, consultancy involves redaction of new contracts and contractual standards, as well as the revision – periodical, if need be – of contractual models that are already used by  corporations.

Specifically, LGV deals with:supply agreements, consultancy and independent contractor agreements;

  • sub-contractor agreements and industrial collaboration agreements;
  • distribution agreements;
  • financing agreements;
  • agency agreements, commercial affiliation and franchising agreements;
  • agreements for the sale of goods and services.

In the commercial context, LGV professionals deal with the labelling of food products  and the examination of administrative rules applicable with respect to labelling issues.

In this field, LGV also achieves the ends of its clients by way of litigation. The high degree of specialization in litigation within the firm and among its professionals represents a great advantage for clients operating in the commercial sphere.


LGV provides services with respect to judicial and extra-judicial credit protection.


Extra-judicial protection begins with the preparation of the relevant contractual clauses used for the direct constitution of enforceable orders or for the arrangement of appropriate securities. In this context, LGV has matured a significant experience in the analysis and implementation of so-called security packages, especially in relation to complex and important contracts involving sub-contracting or financing. The professionals at LGV also redact security agreements, examine bonds and prepares the necessary documentation in the event of creation of security interests.

Conversely, judicial credit protection is given effect by means of the procedural instruments normally designated for that purpose,  such as payment orders,  enforcement proceedings, and enforcement of rights of creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. Credit protection may also be provided by means of pre-trial measures used for the protection of assets, to the extent that all applicable conditions for their grant are met.